PowerShell File – Not Digitally Signed
PowerShell scripts gives an error when the file is not digitally signed. You need to Bypass the security setting Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
Lifelong Learner | CEO and Founder at Arystech | Cloud | Amazon Connect | Serverless | Infosec | DevOps
Lifelong Learner | CEO and Founder at Arystech | Cloud | Amazon Connect | Serverless | Infosec | DevOps
PowerShell scripts gives an error when the file is not digitally signed. You need to Bypass the security setting Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
If you need to discard the changes you made to your local environment, you can pull the remote branch code. To overwrite the local files from the remote branch: For more git related screwups, check out
What is Chocolatey? Every time you work on a Linux machine, you can quickly install applications using apt-get or yum. When you switch to Windows and have to install an application like Notepad++ or 7-Zip, you go to the website,…
Compare directories for difference using diff command in linux. These parameters would give the list of files that are different in each directory recursively diff -qrbB /directory_one/ /directory_two/ > difference-brief.txt These parameters would give not only give list of differences,…
Query to show the size of the tables of a MySQL database. The output would be in MB and sorted in descending order. SELECT table_schema as `Database`, table_name AS `Table`, round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 2) `Size in…
By default, Windows server comes with two terminal server licenses. Two users can connect to a server at any time. Many times users connect to the server using remote desktop and close the window without logging off and leave the remote…
IIS lets you run multiple websites on a single server. If you want to make your site secure with an SSL certificate, you can install multiple certificates and assign them to websites. If you plan to deploy your development, QA,…
Staring Windows Server 2008, you cannot log in to Windows server via remote desktop using same user account. If you log in with the same user account, the first session would be terminated. This would be big challenge in an…
mysqldump is a command line utility used to perform logical backup of MySQL databases. mysqldump backs up schema objects and data. Backup Database Syntax: mysqldump -h hostname -u username -p databasename > Example: mysqldump -h localhost -u dbadmin -p…
Inaccessible Virtual Machines: If your virtual machines are inaccessible, that means that the vSphere client is not able to reach the *.vmx file. Check in your storage if your datastore is available. Unable to add datastore: If your VMFS store is missing…